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Writer's pictureJasmine


Updated: Jul 25, 2022

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

James 4:7

“I am failing and I thought that I would be much further in my career!" were the words that kept replaying in my head as I sat at my desk in despair. I felt like I was failing in my career because of a series of drastic changes that affected my income, my work environment, and, as a result, my self-confidence. I went through the entire day like this and started to accept whatever thoughts and feelings that came my way.

Later that evening when I made it home from work, James 4:7 began to ring aloud in my spirit “…resist the devil and he will flee from you.” The Holy Spirit immediately took me throughout my day and showed me how I had not resisted the devil by accepting negative feelings and thoughts. I failed to realize that the enemy’s job does not stop just because I am at work.

I drew strength from this scripture. The next day at work when those feelings of defeat and failure started to rise, I began to put the word of God into action and resist those thoughts and emotions that do not align with what God says about me. Now yes, we all still feel the sting of disappointments and setbacks when attacks occur because most attacks are sudden. The attacks may occur during a meeting when a manager takes credit for your hard work, when a co-worker blatantly disrespects you, or when you are purposely targeted for upholding right ethics in the work place. But that does not mean that we have to accept it! We can choose to resist (withstand the action or effect of). We are called to resist the enemy in every aspect of our lives. What will you choose to resist on today?

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